I played with FL Studio and out came a tune. It's ambient in its form here it is I hope you like it:
Soundcloud - dr Krall.
When I was working this tune I logged on to Facebook and saw a photo of me and my co Resident, Sandy Thomson, at Bells Nightclub 2005. This picture is from 2007 when I was makingt a guest set at Bells.

Happy times. I miss it from time to time and I play with the thought of doing a comeback :) But it's going to be hard. When I retired I was so fed up with dj'ing that I gave away all my records! If I'm doing a comback I'm gonna have to start from scratch. Getting all that music again and then there is the technichs part. Nowadays the dj's only carry their laptop and use a software to play mp3's from the harddrive. I heard from an old collegue of mine that the program to use is Serato. Especially if you control it with vinyls and do a lot of scratching. It's a lot of investments and effort to be made before I can do a comeback. For now I settle with playing with FL Studio and explore my musicality. I'm still learning and right now I have decided to go through the different synthesizers and play around with them. Then I'm gonna figure out how to import VST plugins. I have a few but they don't seem to be loading properly.
I need to remember not to judge myself to hard with my music. I'm still learning, but I want it to sound like Tïesto. Also I can't judge myself to hard over the style. As I was a dj I try to make dancemusic even though I dont have to. So my latest composition is an ambient venture influenced by the one and only, the best! Numb! If you want to listen to the best ambient ever go here:
See you later
dr Krall