måndag 6 maj 2013

Work in Mallorca, Spain!

Serious chance to work abroad!

A good friend of mine owns a Bar in Puerto Alcudia, Mallorca, Spain and he is now looking to hire staff for the seasson 2013.

He's looking for the following staff: DJ, Public Relations (PR) and Barstaff.

The salary is good and includes food and apartment wich is very good since you avoid the hassle to find decent accomodation.

If you are interested in working abroad send an email with phonenumber, email and a recent photo to: drkrall38@yahoo.com

Experience gives an advantage but isn't a must.

Good luck to you all!

tisdag 9 april 2013

New tune.

  I played with FL Studio and out came a tune. It's ambient in its form here it is I hope you like it: Soundcloud - dr Krall.

  When I was working this tune I logged on to Facebook and saw a photo of me and my co Resident, Sandy Thomson, at Bells Nightclub 2005. This picture is from 2007 when I was makingt a guest set at Bells. 

  Happy times. I miss it from time to time and I play with the thought of doing a comeback :) But it's going to be hard. When I retired I was so fed up with dj'ing that I gave away all my records! If I'm doing a comback I'm gonna have to start from scratch. Getting all that music again and then there is the technichs part. Nowadays the dj's only carry their laptop and use a software to play mp3's from the harddrive. I heard from an old collegue of mine that the program to use is Serato. Especially if you control it with vinyls and do a lot of scratching. It's a lot of investments and effort to be made before I can do a comeback. For now I settle with playing with FL Studio and explore my musicality. I'm still learning and right now I have decided to go through the different synthesizers and play around with them. Then I'm gonna figure out how to import VST plugins. I have a few but they don't seem to be loading properly.

  I need to remember not to judge myself to hard with my music. I'm still learning, but I want it to sound like Tïesto. Also I can't judge myself to hard over the style. As I was a dj I try to make dancemusic even though I dont have to. So my latest composition is an ambient venture influenced by the one and only, the best! Numb! If you want to listen to the best ambient ever go here: Numb

See you later
dr Krall

fredag 15 mars 2013

New website.


  I have finally got a website. It's made from a template so it's not so cool and it's under construction so have patience. I tried using WYSIWYG Web Builder 8 but it was to complicated so I decided to go with a template. The website is going to be static with not so many changes. If I can post pictures that will change and I will try to post news about what I'm doing at the moment. If anyone is good at constructing websites and want to help me get a cooler website. Please let me know.

The website you can find here. 

My music on Soundcloud you can find here.

dr Krall from the beginning until now.

A long story short.

  I am a retired dj and aspiring musician. My dj career lasted for over 10 years and included several gigs and residencys abroad. I started composing music 1991 on an Amiga 500 where you had 4 channels and a maxiumum of 32 samples with 8-bit quality to work with. I composed lots of music on the Amiga, the latest in 1996. Many of my tunes where used in Demos and other productions. Sometime around 1994 me and a couple of friends (Jerker Hammarberg, Dennis Berglöf, Daniel Lundin and me Joakim Eliasson) put our synthesizers together and built a studio. We also formed the band Psi-Q but we had some problems to unite all of our different wills and we fell apart and went back to composing music on our own.

  When Psi-Q broke up a new constellation formed it was me and Daniel Lundin that started to compose music together. We called ourselves Toys of unconsciousness (Thanks Dennis) and the music leaned towards trance and hardtrance. In 1996 we arranged a Raveparty in the small town of Hudiksvall. This was the only livepreformance we made but this woke my interrest to dj.
 I started to dj 1996 and soon got bored to play in Hudiksvall. So I looked for gigs in other towns and found gigs in Gävle and Stockholm amongst others. I'm going to list my gigs and residencies on top of my head:

  • Statt, Hudiksvall
  • Etage, Gävle
  • Dollhouze flanör, Gävle
  • Corner, Västerhaninge
  • Earls Court, Borås
  • Casablanca, Magaluf, Mallorca, Spanien
  • Centralhotellet CH, Gävle
  • Magasinet, Upplands Väsby
  • Farbror & co, Upplands Väsby
  • Mingel Room & Bar, Upplands Väsby
  • Bruns, Hudiksvall
  • BCM Café, Magaluf, Mallorca, Spanien
  • Allemans Bar & Matsal, Stockholm
  • Kolingsborg, Stockholm
  • Saxo, Magaluf, Mallorca, Spanien
  • Safari, Linköping
  • Sandra, Vimmerby
  • La Scala, Oskarshamn
  • Statshotellet, Västervik
  • Platå, Linköping
  • The Green Parrot, Magaluf, Mallorca, Spanien
  • Bells Nightclub, Alcudia, Mallorca, Spanien
  • K2, Sandviken
  • Underbar, Sandviken
  • O'learys, Sandviken
  • Hotell Ferrum, Kiruna
  • Hotellet, Ockelbo
  I retired as a dj 2006. I was fed up at the moment and had nothing more to give. Now I feel different but I'm not up to date with music. I just installed FL Studio on my computer and I'm starting to learn how to use it. So hopefully you'll hear lots of new music from me soon.

  If you want to listen to my old Amiga tunes you can do it here: Soundcloud - dr Krall

I've found FL Studio!

I have searched a long time..

  To find a studioprogram that is easy to use and have descent softsynths. Now I've finally found it. I recently installed FL Studio 9 on my computer and so far it seems good. I have tried Reason but found the softsynths too few and not enough programable. FL Studio has a wide variety of softsynths that also are extremley programable. My USB-keyboard is vorking fine with the software which I was uncertain of since the keyboard is quite old.

  Now, installing good software doesn't make the music come automatically. I realise that it has been almost 20 years since i composed music latest. It's difficult if you have an idea but you can't get it out because of technical difficultys. Like programming the synthesizers to sound the way you want and editing the tracks. I'm in the beginning of learning how to compose music. This is very different from composing music on the old Amiga. If you want to you can listen to some of my old Amiga tunes here: Soundcloud - dr Krall

  Hopefully you will soon be able to enjoy new tracks from dr Krall on Soundcloud Make sure to add me as a friend on Facebook: deetroy (dr Krall). Send a short message so I know who you are. Also follow me on Twitter: dr_Krall Keep following this blogg on: drkrall38 at Blogspot.

torsdag 14 mars 2013

Gamla låtar på nytt.

Det var en gång för länge länge sedan...

  Året var 1991 och jag hade precis köpt min första Commodore Amiga 500. Den var överlägsen alla andra datorer vad gällde ljud och grafik. Hela 4096 färger kunde den visa och spela 4 kanaler med 8-bitars samplingar. Det var inte illa på den tiden och Amigan körde snabbt om pc datorerna. 

  Snabbt växte en subkultur upp kring Amigan. Det var den så kallade "Demoscenen". Ett forum där olika grupper tävlade om vem som kunde göra det bästa demot. En presentation där programmering, musik och grafik skapade en häftig upplevelse för beskådaren.

  Jag fastnade snabbt för demoscenen och ville bli en del av den. Eftersom jag är musikalisk och älskar musik tedde det sig naturligt att jag gav mig in på musikens bana. Jag skaffade rätt program och lyssnade och såg på hur andra hade gjort och på så sätt lärde jag mig att komponera musik. Där började jag min musikaliska karriär och jag komponerade mängder av låtar varav några finns att lyssna på här: Soundcloud - dr Krall 

  Jag lyckades bli del av demoscenen då jag 1991 blev värvad av gruppen Midway under handlet "Terry". En liten grupp men med trevliga medlemmar. Jag gjorde flera låtar till deras produktioner, men jag ville ha mer att säga till om så jag bildade 1992 gruppen Akropolis och bytte även handle till "deetroy". En liten grupp som knappast blev känd för sina produktioner. Senare det året fick jag en förfrågan från den stora och etablerade gruppen Equinox om jag ville bli medlem hos dem. Jag tackade ja och släppte flera låtar i diverse produktioner. 1993 gick jag med i kändisgruppen The doodles^Shock. Medlemmarna kom från flera större grupper och flera var aktiva i andra grupper. För den som är intresserad finns orginalmodulerna att ladda ner härifrån: Demomusic - deetroy

   För er som ägde en Amiga eller har varit delaktig i demoscenen på någon annan platform är det här nostalgisk läsning. Hoppas ni andra fick ut nått av det också. Glöm inte att lyssna på musiken också: Soundcloud - dr Krall